Sunday, September 23, 2018

Week 10

Last week of term already! Time has really flown by! This term has been a busy but hugely successful term for all of our children. Thank you so much to all of our whanau for being so supportive of everything we do at school, we couldn't have these successes without your ongoing support and positivity!

This week will hopefully be a fun week...

* Tomorrow we have a visitor from Banqer coming in to set up our accounts for this financial literacy online tool, and to introduce this concept to us. We will use this next term as part of our behaviour management & leadership programs, where children will get an income each week for their jobs, and have set expenses they need to pay for. They will also have a savings account and be able to buy various rewards. This week we will collaboratively decide on rewards and expenses, and employ children into our classroom job positions. Then it will hopefully all be in action from the start of next term.

* Tuesday is our class trip! Weather is not looking great....the first part of our trip will go ahead regardless of weather (Ambrosia), however the scavenger hunt will only take place if we have dry weather. This will be decided Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child has a sustaining morning tea and a filled water bottle with them. They will also need to be in correct uniform. If it is wet, we will return to school before lunchtime and will have our cooked meal from Ambrosia delivered to us at school for a shared lunch. If it is fine, we will have our meal delivered to the lakefront playground for a picnic lunch. Let's pray for fine weather!

* Thursday is the sports day in Tauranga for those involved - the rest of us will remain at school as usual. This is also our catch up day for BIKEWISE!

* Friday is LOUD SHIRT DAY! Children can wear a loud shirt over their school uniform for the day - it is not a full mufti day. Please bring a gold coin donation to support this cause.

Let's have a fun and safe last week of term!
God Bless,
Nicole Hunter



Beetroot Bake Competition

Friday 28th September is the Bake off taste test.  A Chef from the Sudima Hotel along with the Enviro team will be taste testing entries.
All entries need to be brought to the hall before 8:45 a.m.

Please could pupils put their Name and Room number on the bottom of their dish. It would be helpful if a label was placed beside each entry to inform the taste testers of the ingredients.

WEEK 10.

TUESDAY 25th September
9.30am-2.30pm  Room 12 visit to Ambrosia

WEDNESDAY 26th September.
10.00am Principals’ Morning Tea
3.00-3.45 Library open

THURSDAY 27th September
Bikewise for Seniors

Thursday 27th September
9.00 - 10.30
Room 3
11.00 - 12.30
Room 4
1.30 - 3.00
Room 12

Tauranga Catholic School’s Sports’ Exchange
8.45am School Singing
2.05pm  Kapa Haka
3.00pm Library open
5.30pm School Disco. Come as your Idol.

FRIDAY 28th September
Beetroot Bake Taste Test 9-9:30
Young Vinnie’s Loud Shirt Day
11.00am Pasifika Practice
12 Noon Choir in the hall
Assembly. Room 1

WEEK 1 TERM 4, 2018.


3.00-3.45 Library open

Shake it out Day
8.45am School Singing
2.05pm  Kapa Haka
3.00pm Library open

11.00am Pasifika Practice
12 Noon Choir in the hall

Assembly. Room 13

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